Saturday, March 1, 2008

the week in review

One thing I'm still learning about teaching- sometimes it's difficult to drive the computer and talk at the same time. The cadence is one of fits and starts. That being the case, oftentimes the hand clicks and pauses while the mind and/or mouth race to catch up.

Three times in the past week, I found myself kind of pausing midstream to make a point and when I surfaced I realized that I was standing next to a 9 foot projection of each of these images. How much do you want to bet that no one heard a word I said?

Upon the realization, I think I looked something like this:

rendering via

But with a red beard and a sweater.

Speaking of class, thanks again for all the great digi photographer tips.

1 comment:

Mike Wood said...

That made me laugh. I would think that if you needed to communicate some bad news and didn't want to get pelted by the audience, projecting those would do the trick. A nine foot slight of hand... :)