Damn... Mel, you had to go and post this. Then of course, it made me think of the last time I got sucked into a youtube background replay day. How come there aren't more crude rap songs about contemporary art?
Well, now that I've posted something I should be ashamed to spread around, let me bring attention around to two things I'm downright excited about:
- I mean, come on, just look at all the great people involved and the exceptionally affordable price tag. I'm really just downright honored to be included in this one.
- this one too. 50 photographers and their different takes on one challenge/assignment. What I especially love about this one is that problem-solving aspect. I have to admit, when I was first approached, I was reluctant to take on any new commitments, but when I saw how many people were involved who I've been admiring for awhile now, I couldn't say no. This is a party I was excited to be invited to. Thanks Stuart.